Sometimes known by locals as just MK, Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire was conceived as a ‘new’ town in 1967. This vast sprawling town is 45 miles north-west of London and acts as a dormitory town for the thousands of residents who commute to work every day.
The central area has the usual shopping centres that showcase most of the multiple retailers, although Milton Keynes is also blessed with plenty of independent shops. Barking Mad Pet Food & Accessories is a great example. Their shop in The Agora Centre sells a huge selection of top brand pet food as well as plenty of pet accessories like cages, leads, collars, treats and pet toys.
K9 Elements Massage Therapy in Kingsmead is run by Jenny who is fully qualified in four different massage disciplines for dogs with mobility issues. Fido & Felix Pet Care are located at Black Horse Bridge. They supply a range of services such as dog and cat grooming as well as having a hydrotherapy treadmill for dogs needing to regain their fitness after an operation. Exotic pets and their live food, cages, heating and lighting accessories can all be found at Realms of Reptiles in Queensway. Check them out for a great selection of animals and products.