Pet wholesalers play a very important part in the running of the UK’s independent pet shops and pet businesses. By being able to service these shops with much smaller quantities of products than those normally demanded by the pet merchandise manufacturers, the pet shops are able to offer greater choices to their customers. They can also try more products to see if they can sell them without committing to a massive order first.
Whether it’s pet food and supplements, pet toys, pet cages, dog leads, cat baskets or any one of thousands of other pet requirements, the pet wholesalers can usually offer good stocks and fast delivery throughout the UK. Whilst some pet wholesalers will focus on particular product groups for specific animals such as popular pets like cats and dogs, many others are far more broad based and will keep stock that relates to almost any animal, bird or fish.
As many retailers will know, it can be hard to decide which products to sell or not. Pet wholesalers can help a lot in the process by recommending hot selling lines or even offering new ranges on a sale or return basis. If your pet wholesale business specialises in supplies for exotic animals, tropical and freshwater fish, birds like budgerigars and parrots or offers a broad based range of products, you are entitled to a free listing in this specialist directory.
Pet products wholesaler that offers market fashion pet products to retailers.