Natural dry dog food from Barking Heads contains nothing but the best and healthiest ingredients. The company promises that they do not use any artificial colourings, enhancers, preservers or additives in any of their premium recipes.
Various different mixes such as ‘nitie nitie’ ‘good hair day’ and ‘fat dog slim’ each serve their own individual purposes, and most are sold in a variety of bag sizes up to 20kg. Sold by good pet food stockists all over the UK, Barking Heads dog food is one of the nation’s favourites. Not only do pet owners love the use of natural ingredients, but the dogs seem to really appreciate it too.
Cats are just as lucky too, with the Meowing Heads selection of premium cat food. With varieties like ‘smitten kitten’ ‘hey good looking’ and ‘purr-nickety’, there’s a perfect cat food mix to suit even the fussiest of eaters. Following the same principles of natural and healthy ingredients, Meowing Heads nourishing cat food is also sold in a selection of pack sizes up to 6kg.
Customers can trust Barking Heads and Meowing Heads pet food to deliver nothing but the best for their favourite moggy or doggy.
With millions of pet animals in the UK, it’s no surprise that there are also a huge number of specialist pet food shops to service their needs.